All IRTEC licence holders shall, by their conduct, uphold the reputation of the profession in applying the specialist discipline of the
maintenance, repair and inspection of road transport vehicles and their related engineering activities.
IRTEC licence holders should be aware of their responsibility to establish and uphold standards of professional conduct and deter
malpractice, and that their licence may be revoked and their name removed from the IRTEC technician national register should they be
deemed, for any cause, to be undesirable for inclusion on the register. SOE/IRTEC operates an appeals procedure.
Submitting the completed application form acts as confirmation of your agreement to adhere to the IRTEC Code of Conduct which
can be found in full here
IRTE (The Institute of Road Transport Engineers) is a Professional Sector of the Society of Operations Engineers (SOE). As one of
the most respected names in UK transport, IRTE is an acknowledged and impartial voice within the industry.
Being IRTEC accredited entitles you to membership of the SOE for a special introductory period. During this time, you have access
to various benefits offered by the SOE, including:
recognition of your skills and expertise with professional registration through the Engineering Council and/or the
Society for the Environment
through regular industry-leading technical magazines and journals relevant to your career path, and stay up-to-
date with the latest industry news and technology
similar industry professionals and raise your profile through SOE’s network of local member volunteers and
regional events
your career and maintain your continuing professional development with access to specialist online resources,
technical guides and mentors, conferences, workshops, lectures, technical meetings, and other events
throughout the UK
with services specifically designed for SOE members
All SOE members must comply with the Code of Professional Conduct, which can be found here
For more information about how SOE can help you, please contact the membership team at / 020 7630
Submitting the completed application form acts as confirmation of your agreement to adhere to the IRTEC Code of Conduct and the
Society of Operations Engineers Code of Professional Conduct. Please indicate your acceptance using the declaration below.
I have read the IRTEC Code of Conduct and the Society of Operations Engineers Code of Professional Conduct and declare that I will adhere to the Codes and will endeavour to uphold these principles.
I confirm that the information supplied in support of my application is correct, that I have not been convicted of any offence relating to my employment in the road transport industry, and that nothing has been withheld that would affect my suitability for inclusion.
I consent to this information being collated, stored and released for the purposes of the Society, IRTEC Accreditation and its register, both in written and electronic format. This will be done in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 (SOE).
IRTEC takes the protection of your data very seriously. It will not be divulged, other than under legal obligation, to third parties other than the Society of Operations Engineers who may, from time to time, write to inform you of offers and opportunities as agreed with IRTEC